Hi! I'm a User Experience designer.
I'm empathetic, analytical and strategic. INTP.
In my free time I:
# | Link | Topic |
1 | Acme | Css no classes or ids |
2 | Calculators | Write 4 functions |
3 | Acme in js | Create elements with js |
3 | Like and Comment - Blog | Functions to increase like count and add new comment |
4 | Traffic Lights | Control lights with buttons |
5 | Movie Search | Form + API SearchResults |
6 | To Do List Split | Split comma separated inputs |
7 | Spreadsheet | Add columns - not done yet |
8 | Chat | Use of firebase data base, local storage |
Final | Final | Love Diary: checkbox switch, rearranging the arrays, if statements |
# | Link | Topic |
1 | Dom Manipulation | Add prompt as to do list, add image and attributes, toggle classes |
2 | Calculator | Write 4 addeventlisteners click to: add, subtract, multiply, divide |
3 | To Do | Add to do list item with check box |
4 | Piano | Make keypressed events |
5 | Arrow | Draw an arrow with css and position it next to a div |